This is a song, which I have had in my mind for a long time. It was just the melody and lyric for the chorus in beginning. The whole idea came from my local Italian restaurant, which I visited often. There was a very cute waitress and I always ordered Amarone wine with my dinner. At some point the waitress brought the glass of Amarone without asking, as soon as I sat in table.

I never really said anything else to the lady as I was too shy. We just smiled. Originally I got the idea to order Amarone because it was written on the blackboard at the bar. At some time there was a little heart added on that blackboard and I was hoping it was a message from the lady to myself. At some point I did not see the waitress there anymore and I also moved on ordering cheaper wines.
Time passed and once after a failed relationship I was feeling very down. I dressed myself in my best clothes and walked to the restaurant. I sat alone in the table and ordered a glass of Amarone. I started writing the lyrics on the cover of cigarette box. Eventually I ordered more and more, so that in the end I asked if I could just pay the full bottle as it was cheaper than individual glasses.
Over the years I have asked different people to make their own interpretation of the lyric and melody. Here some examples: